The State of CTV Inventory & Impressions in Q2 2024

CTV Benchmark


Ben Chansky


Sep 10, 2024

The State of CTV Inventory & Impressions in Q2 2024

Key Insights from Peer39's Q2 2024 CTV Benchmarks Report

Programmatic CTV advertising is projected to take 10% of of global ad spending next year, making it essential for marketers to understand the trends and challenges within the space. Peer39’s Q2 2024 Programmatic CTV Benchmarks Report provides valuable insights to help advertisers navigate the complexities of CTV advertising and make informed decisions. As advertisers invest more in CTV, Peer39’s benchmarks offer critical data to compare campaign performance and refine programmatic CTV targeting strategies.

Buyers need trustworthy benchmarks to guide them around ad performance metrics, transparency issues, and challenges in programmatic CTV.

Transparency and the Continued Rise of Fake CTV Content

One of the major concerns highlighted in the report is the prevalence of Fake CTV Content. In Q2 2024, 7.8% of all CTV bid requests were classified as coming from Fake CTV channels.

These channels, often mobile apps or non-CTV content, present themselves as CTV environments or content to attract ad revenues. This is a slight improvement from the 8.3% observed in Q1 2024, but the problem persists, with top brands inadvertently purchasing this low-quality inventory.

When comparing the percent of Fortune 500 CTV ads observed in our Q2 sampling versus Q1 2024 and Q3 2023, these premium advertisers continue to account for more of the purchased inventory.

In fact, our Q2 report revealed that 66% of the total ads on Fake CTV channels came from Fortune 500 brands, a significant jump from 49% in Q1.


The continued prevalence of Fortune 500 ads on Fake CTV content point to a lack of CTV ad transparency for buyers and raises concerns over CTV ad fraud prevention. While you could argue that Fake CTV content isn't exactly classified as ad fraud, at least not by the standards long-established for other digital environments.

The Impact of Divisive News Content

Another area for concern is the growth of programmatic ad placements on Divisive News content. These channels, which Peer39 defines as being not fact-checked or satirical and are politically biased, can pose significant brand safety risks.

While our report shows a 65% decrease in bid requests for divisive content since Q1, more Fortune 500 brands are running ads on such channels, with over 85 unique advertisers identified in our random sampling.

When compared to our Q1 '24 CTV Benchmark, we observed a 3.8% increase in Fortune 500 advertisers on Divisive News content, with top verticals represented below.


Optimizing CTV Ad Campaigns for Performance 

Peer39’s Analytics Dashboards, offering over 150 metrics, enable advertisers to track and optimize their campaigns effectively. By comparing current performance with the Q2 benchmarks, advertisers can identify areas for improvement and maximize return on investment.

Our Benchmarks Report serves as a reminder for the need for data transparency and granular targeting segments to drive effective CTV ad campaigns.


As programmatic CTV advertising continues to grow, staying informed on the latest benchmarks is critical for advertisers aiming to succeed in this competitive space.

Peer39’s Q2 2024 CTV Benchmarks Report offers valuable insights into ad performance, transparency issues, and the risks of Fake CTV Content. By leveraging this data and applying the right strategies, advertisers can enhance the performance and safety of their CTV campaigns.

Still need to download the Q2 Programmatic CTV Benchmarks Report?

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